A Constellation is a group of stars that form a clearly identifiable pattern in the night sky.
There can be over a hundred stars in a constellation and there can be smaller sub patterns in a constellation.
The most well know are probably the twelve constellations of the zodiac that lie along the ecliptic:
Aquarius is one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac

- Aquarius (the Water Bearer)
- Aries (the Ram)
- Cancer, (the Crab)
- Capricorn, (the Goat)
- Gemini (the Twins)
- Leo (the Lion)
- Libra (the Scales)
- Pisces (the Fish)
- Sagittarius (the Archer)
- Scorpius (the Scorpion)
- Taurus (the Bull)
- Virgo (the Virgin)
Other well know constellations include: