Space Exploration
"Space, The Final Frontier", says it all. But up until now we have hardly left the docks, let alone started to explore this "Final Frontier".
We have seen satellites go into orbit around our own world that deliver fantastic direct benefits in allowing us to communicate fast and more efficiently, study and understand our world better and many more things besides.

We have seen men step foot on the Moon and bring back parts of it for study. Probes have gone to the nearest planets Mars and Venus and sent back detailed information about their structure.
Probes have gone out to investigate the great gas giants past Mars and even out to the furthest known reaches of the Solar System where Pluto resides.
We have even seen probes cross the boundary of our Solar System on a long journey to investigate what lies beyond it.
This has been a truly fantastic achievement but there is so much more to discover. There is a cost for all this discovery but is it worth it?